TERMS & CONDITIONS CHECK-IN and CHECK-OUT at all abode, llc properties CHECK-IN TIME: 4:00 PM MOUNTAIN TIME CHECK-OUT TIME: 11:00 AM MOUNTAIN TIME Unapproved late check out will be at a charge of $200.00 U.S. dollars per hour. No refunds for early checkout, weather conditions or loss of power/water. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY*** Guest WILL be required to provide a VISA/MasterCard/AMEX/Discover credit card number to be used as a security deposit in case of any property damage found during the post check-out property inspection. For some reservations an additional cash security deposit shall be required. The credit card used to create and pay for the booking shall be the credit card on file for damages, unless another credit card is given to Abode prior to check in. Guest shall be liable to Abode for the cost of repairing any damage to the Property in excess of normal wear and tear caused by Guest or Guest’s invitees, including, but not limited to, carpet stains, missing items, floods or leaks caused by Guest, fire or smoke damage, damaged furnishings, and damaged electronic equipment (“Damage”). Abode shall charge the card on file for the payment of any such repair costs. By signing below, Guest acknowledges Abode will charge Guest’s credit card or additional security deposit for unintentional damage beyond $100 and any intentional damage, theft, unauthorized pets, extensive cleaning required at check-out, smoking, exceeding occupancy or parking limits, and any other charges/policies in Booking Confirmation including any fines imposed on Homeowner by the City, County, State or Home Owner Association as the result of violation of any law, ordinance, rule or regulation or any fines or cost levied against Guest or visitors of Guest (“Excess Damage Costs”), to the Rental Property and its contents. Guest will be notified of any Excess Damage Costs in writing via email. Any Excess Damage Costs will be also charged immediately to the Guest’s credit card or taken from additional funds. Guest, by signing below, assumes full responsibility for any items found to be missing and any damage due to misuse, negligence or action on Guest's or Guest’s visitors part, except in the case of normal wear-and tear reported to Homeowner within 72 hours of Check-in. If additional security deposit is taken via cash or check. It shall be returned to Guest within 10 business days. {{signature}} Payment Policy We accept credit card payments. We break our payments down into two payments. - At the time of booking a reservation, we charge 50% of the total reservation cost. - Within sixty (60) days of your arrival, we will charge the remaining balance of the reservation cost. - Any reservation made within sixty (60) days of your arrival date will be charged in full. Refund Policy and Cancelation Policy - Confirmed reservations which are canceled before SIXTY(60) calendar days of your check-in date will be subject to a 25% cancelation fee. This fee will be subtracted from the initial payment. - A cancelation within SIXTY (60) days will result in a charge of one-hundred percent (100%) of your payment. There are no refunds for early departures or late arrivals. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS WITHIN 60 DAYS OF CHECK-IN. CHANGES TO RESERVATION Note that any Guest changes to this reservation will be charged at $200. Abode reserves the right to make changes to this reservation given there is an issue with the property booked. OCCUPANCY Each property has a maximum occupancy as well as a maximum number of adults that are allowed in the room without an extra charge. You will be charged at check-in for any extra adults in the room beyond the adult limit up to the occupancy limit. The charge for extra adult per night is $100.00 (USD). Each rental is designed to sleep a specific number of people (maximum occupancy): This number is (4 people 1B/1B, 6 people 2B/2B and 8 people 3B/3B). You will be subject to eviction without return of your rental payment if more people are found in your rental. 1B/1B max. occupancy 4people; 2B/2B max. occupancy 6 people; 3B/3B max. occupancy 8-10 people; 4B/4B max, occupancy 10-12 people 5B/5B max occupancy 12-14 people TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. No additional persons are allowed to stay in the Property than confirmed on the reservation 2. Abode is not liable for damage or loss by theft, accident or otherwise to articles or merchandise prior to, during, or after the stay. 3. Any parties of a disruptive nature are strictly prohibited by Abode. 4. Pet Policy: Abode does not allow pets of any kind in our units, with the exception of seeing eye dogs and other such animals to assist the physically challenged. 5. A cleaning charge will be deducted from security deposit if a pet or sign of pet is found in any of the rooms occupied by any member of your party. 6. Abode’s properties are all non-smoking properties. A cleaning fee will be deducted from the security deposit to guests that disregard this policy. 7. Guests must abide by the maximum occupancy rule allowed in the home at all times. 8. Vehicles are not to be parked on subdivision streets or in any areas other than the driveway for the designated home. Any vehicles parked outside these designated areas will be towed at guest’s expense. 9. Agents or members of abode, llc may enter the home for inspection purposes related to the enforcement of these rules. Violation of any of these rules will result in a fine and immediate eviction. 10. Guest agree to pay all reasonable costs, attorney's fees and expenses that shall be made or incurred by Landlord enforcing this agreement. 11. Guest expressly acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is for transient occupancy of the Property, and that Tenants do not intend to make the property a residence or household. 12. We occasionally experience outages that are beyond our control. We report outages as each occurs. No refunds or compensation will be given for any outages. 13. Guest acknowledges that Abode does not own the property, and certain issues are out of the control of Abode. These issues are but not limited to, the home becoming uninhabitable, a conflict with the Owner's dates, the Owner placing the property on the market and showings taking place during the Guest stay (with 24 hour notice given), or the property being listed for sale and the property selling prior to Guest arrival. In the rare event that one of the issues or any other unforenseen issue arises at the property, Abode will do everything in its power to keep the reservation with the property that is booked. If the reservation must be moved, Abode will move the reservation to the most similar property available. 14. Abode does provide complimentary transportation for Guest's who pay full rack rate (no discounts on the rate). In order to use the shuttle, Guest agrees to notify Abode upon booking on Guest's intent to use the shuttle and all shuttle ride must be booked at least 24 hours in advance. 15. There is a $50 charge per item for each key or garage door opener not returned. Conclusion: It is the responsibility of the person paying/signing to inform all individuals (otherwise associated with this party), about the applicable policies, and the ramifications of all contents of this contractual agreement. Abode nor property Owner accepts no liability for the failure to inform individuals falling under this contract. Guest shall release Abode and property Owner and at all times hold them clear and harmless from any claims, liens, demands, charges, encumbrances, litigation (whether prosecuted to judgment or not), arbitration, legal costs and fees, and judgments arising directly or indirectly out of any actual or alleged death of or injury to any person or animal, any actual or alleged damage to or destruction of any of guests property, any other actual or alleged damage or loss whatsoever, resulting or alleged to result in whole or in part from any actual or alleged event or occurrence with respect to the property or any other matter, which is subject of this agreement. Abode holds the right to transfer, refund or cancel this reservation. All of the above information and standard policies and procedures have been reviewed and meet with the approval of the organization. By signing below, you agree to the terms and conditions of the contract as described above and agree to pay all reservations costs outlined in this agreement and agree to have your credit card charged in the event of damages, as outlined in the DAMAGE TO PROPERTY*** section above. {{signature}} |
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